Prepared by: Anwer Sadath Abdhul Muttaliff
This project demonstrates a series of Docker challenges designed to enhance your skills in containerization, image management, networking, and more. Each challenge includes step-by-step instructions and commands to help you master Docker.
Objective: Using the Docker client, display the help of the Docker management command container
and the help of the run
docker container --help
docker container run --help
Objective: Using the Docker CLI, search Docker Hub for an image called mariadb
docker search mariadb
Objective: Pull the image called alpine
with the edge
tag and list all images downloaded locally.
docker pull alpine:edge
docker image ls
Objective: Launch a container from the alpine:edge
image, create a file inside it, and manage the container lifecycle.
Run the container:
docker container run -it --name myalpine alpine:edge
Create a new file in the container:
cd /root
touch a.txt
ls -ltr
Exit the container without stopping it:
Press Ctrl + P + Q
Check that the container is still running:
docker container ls
Re-attach to the container and verify the file:
docker container exec myalpine ls -ltr /root
Exit the container:
Objective: Run the Nginx web server in a Docker container, access it via a browser, and check logs.
Run Nginx container:
docker container run -d -p 80:80 nginx
Access the server from a browser:
Check the web server logs:
docker container logs <container_name>
Attach to the Nginx container:
docker container exec -it <nginx_container_id> sh
Objective: Run two Nginx and two Apache containers with random ports, access them, and manage their lifecycle.
Run the containers:
docker container run -d -P nginx
docker container run -d -P nginx
docker container run -d -P httpd
docker container run -d -P httpd
Check the running containers and their ports:
docker container ls
Access the web servers from a browser using the displayed ports.
Stop the containers:
docker container stop <container_ID> ...
Remove all stopped containers:
docker container rm $(docker container ls -f status=exited -q)
Objective: Run Ubuntu container, install and configure OpenSSH, and connect via SSH.
Run the Ubuntu container:
docker container run -it ubuntu:latest
Install OpenSSH server:
apt update && apt install ssh
Create a user and set its password:
useradd username
passwd username
Exit the container without stopping it:
Press Ctrl + P + Q
Check the IP address of the container:
docker inspect <container_ID> | grep -i ipaddress
Start the SSH service and connect to the container via SSH:
service ssh start
ssh username@<container_IP>
Objective: Commit changes to a new image, start a container, and push the image to Docker Hub.
Commit the changes to a new image:
docker commit <container_ID> myubuntu:custom
Run a container from the new image:
docker container run -it myubuntu:custom /bin/bash
Push the image to Docker Hub:
docker login
docker tag myubuntu:custom <your_dockerhub_username>/myubuntu:custom
docker push <your_dockerhub_username>/myubuntu:custom
Objective: Search for Apache image on Docker Hub, build a custom image from Dockerfile, and create a volume.
Search for Apache image:
docker search httpd
Download Dockerfile and httpd-foreground
Obtain from the GitHub repository linked in the Docker Hub description.
Build the custom image:
docker build -t <your_dockerhub_username>/myapache:latest .
Create and inspect a volume:
docker volume create webapp1
docker volume inspect webapp1
Copy files to the volume and start the Apache container:
docker container run -d -p 8080:80 -v webapp1:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs <your_dockerhub_username>/myapache:latest
Objective: Understand and use different Docker networking modes.
Bridge Network (Default):
docker run -d --name my-container my-image
Host Network:
docker run -d --network host my-image
None Network:
docker run -d --network none my-image
Container Network:
docker run -d --network container:<container_name_or_id> my-image
Overlay Network:
docker network create -d overlay my-overlay-network
docker service create --name my-service --network my-overlay-network my-image
Macvlan Network:
docker network create -d macvlan --subnet= --gateway= -o parent=eth0 my-macvlan-network
docker run -d --network my-macvlan-network my-image
These Docker challenges provide hands-on experience with containerization, image management, networking, and more. By completing these tasks, you'll gain a deeper understanding of Docker and its capabilities.
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